Outlander Offerings Q & A: Traveling Thru The Stones

Stephen Walters (Anghus Mhor) and Grant O’Rourke (Rupert MacKenzie) 
give us some insight on what period in time they would like to travel back to.

Let’s take a moment to answer this question ourselves, shall we?

Grape One: My initial thoughts on this were pretty exciting, but when push came to shove I just couldn’t pick one time period that I would risk everything to visit. There’s certain events that would be cool to witness no doubt, but none that I HAVE to see. 
My mind kept returning to Elizabethan England, my most favoritest time period to read about…But the more I thought about that, all I could think of was how bad it would Fucking Stink. Baths were rare, people pissed on the floors, and after you shit, you wiped your ass on your bare hand. Not my bag, honey. 

This feels like an easy question to answer; however I can’t seem to answer it. At least not in a good way. At the buzzer I’ll blurt out the 1920s. Prohibition and Speakeasies, the emergence of the female as an independent creature, minus all the racial and political upheaval of the ’60s. 

Grape Two: Ditto. On a side note, being able to jump around in time and return back to your own (where’s the TARDIS when you need it?) would be the ideal situation. Otherwise fuck that shit.

Nobody ever answers us, BUT we would love to know what time period would be your ideal stone traveling destination?
Outlander Offerings Q & A: Traveling Thru The Stones

Outlander Teaser Freakout

In the beginning Diana Gabaldon created a massive novel titled Outlander. Eight books and one-half a season of a Starz series later, Grape Two sees Sam Heughan’s tweet linking to The Nerdist’s post about the new teaser trailer for the second half of this world-wide phenomenon (returning April 4th, 2015). Phone views, computer views, slo-mo views in an attempt to absorb every last molecule of its magnificence followed, which ultimately led to an emergency meeting in the vineyard.

Let’s get mathematical: 2TG calculations

After an almost-two-month dry spell of new Outlander content, the trailer is a teaser indeed. At fifteen seconds of actual footage and a further wait of 123 days, the new trailer gives us .12195121951th of a second per day with which to fill the Scotland shaped hole in our lives. You could watch this teaser 256 times to comprise the length of just one episode. Alternately you could stare at your computer while wrapped in a blanket for hours on end, obsessively watching on a continuous loop. (Recommended)

Let’s get anatomical: Who’s the dead guy?


We have a theory on who this poor corpse belongs to, but we’re keeping this spoiler free for all you Grapelets out there.

But we can look at it objectively – who isn’t he? Not Jamie, not Black Jack. Probably not a soldier with that brown coat. We’ll all find out the truth in April. April of 2015. Two thousand fifteen. FML

Let’s get bitchy: The Ungodly Wait

You said it, Tard. Nothing sassesucks worse than waiting four long, lousy, lameass months for Jamie and Claire. Or Angus and Rupert for that matter. Collum and Dougal. Black Jack and his cat o’nine tails. In fact whomever had the idea to slap a six month hiatus in the middle of a season should be forced to have a round or two with BJ and his favorite toy. Grape One was forced to cancel Starz during the break because of monetary reasons, which forced Grape Two to search for other unsavory ways to get her on-demand fix. Indeed Grape One will never, ever hear the end of it. 

Let’s get bewitched: Grab your blanket

How many times have you clicked replay? Be honest, Sassenachs.In what way did you dissect this preview? Don’t hesitate to share it with us – sharing is caring. 

Outlander Teaser Freakout